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Kevin Wright - Guitar / Backing Vocals
Chris Stanton - Lead Vocals / Guitar

Hailing from Oz, Chris's first words were probably AC/DC. Having moved to London and getting the taste for playing live gigs, Chris now splits his efforts between frontman and guitarist. A lover of Les Paul's and classic British amp tones, you'll always find him up the front at any rock gig... and occasionally he makes it onto the stage.   Chris has recently fallen in love with his maple semi hollow PRS.

Kev is a largely self-taught guitarist, having given up on guitar lessons at an early age because he couldn’t stand practicing music that he had no interest in playing. After discovering blues and rock music he was inspired to pick up a guitar again to teach himself how to solo like the greats. Almost twenty years, and several bands later he’s still rocking out.  Kev's guitar heroes include Jimmy Page, Paul Gilbert, Jimi Hendrix and Zakk Wylde. He plays an Ibanez RG1570 through a Fender Blues Junior amp.

David is a classically trained musician, learning trumpet and piano from a young age. He gave all of that up in his late teens to take up the drums, in a desperate bid to impress the girls. Some 20-something years later, he's been involved in a variety of musical projects and experiences ranging from gospel to punk, soul to pop. His heart is in rock music, something that  Copperhead  gives the opportunity to explore with unlimited bounds. Drumming heroes include greats such as Neil Peart, Ian Paice and Gavin Harrison. David plays Yamaha shells, Remo Heads and Sabian cymbals.

Reuben is a lawyer by day and bassist by night. He was originally a keyboard player in a number of bands including the ultimately doomed Brighton based band "Acid Reign", several bands in Cardiff in the late 80s that best forgotten and Kilburn's "Plank". After 25 years he realised being stuck behind a keyboard playing string sounds wasn't much fun and so he re-trained as bass player. Reuben is now a low-end veteran and is a regular at the 100 Club in London and has gigged at the legendary Whiskey-a-Go-Go in Los Angeles. Reuben plays a Fender Jazz copy that he made himself. He gets a thumping sound through his Ampeg amp and his Ashdown Cab all turned up to 11 naturally.

David Hampton - Drums / Percussion
Reuben Taylor - Bass / Backing Vocals
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